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We invite you to join the online conference "Rouler léger", aimed at being a catalyst for transformation toward light, ecological, and accessible mobility. This event is an opportunity to inspire concrete change by placing citizens at the heart of the discussion (Conference in French).

home about line
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history of
the project

The development of the Äerdschëff project can be divided into three phases: the dreaming and design phase (2014-2017), the construction phase (2019-2022), and the operations phase (2023-).

Thanks to some LEADER funding, a few citizens organized in a steering group were able to set up the initial budget and design, train two people at the Earthship Academy in Taos, New Mexico and to receive additional funding both from the Oeuvre nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte and from the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development for the construction phase. Atert Lycée Redange (ALR), the secondary school in Redange, offered up a space on their public land.
Between 2016 and 2019, we designed the adaptations for the Luxembourgish earthship, and sought to obtain the permits for commencing construction. Given the pioneer nature of the project, this was a fairly lengthy process. We collected and stored various reclaimed building materials.

In 2019, we used the dry, hot summer to build the foundations with a group of international and local volunteers. This was a large celebration with many people from around the world who joined for a sort of camp during the summer to help build.

Between 2020 and 2022, we continued building with other volunteers and in partnership with local companies and experts.

From 2019 onwards, we prepared the operations phase, and in 2020 we got awarded the prestigious PSP-Flagship programme by the National Research Fund to develop science-based educational programmes around circular design for teenagers (Äerdschëff Circular and Regenerative Science), and in 2021, we obtained a grant from Losch foundation to develop some our tech programmes and mentor more young people in practical sustainability skills. We continue to be supported by the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Education.

The development of the Äerdschëff project can be divided into three phases: the dreaming and design phase (2014-2017), the construction phase (2019-2022), and the operations phase (2023-).

Thanks to some LEADER funding, a few citizens organized in a steering group were able to set up the initial budget and design, train two people at the Earthship Academy in Taos, New Mexico and to receive additional funding both from the Oeuvre nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte and from the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development for the construction phase. Atert Lycée Redange (ALR), the secondary school in Redange, offered up a space on their public land.
Between 2016 and 2019, we designed the adaptations for the Luxembourgish earthship, and sought to obtain the permits for commencing construction. Given the pioneer nature of the project, this was a fairly lengthy process. We collected and stored various reclaimed building materials.

In 2019, we used the dry, hot summer to build the foundations with a group of international and local volunteers. This was a large celebration with many people from around the world who joined for a sort of camp during the summer to help build.

Between 2020 and 2022, we continued building with other volunteers and in partnership with local companies and experts.

From 2019 onwards, we prepared the operations phase, and in 2020 we got awarded the prestigious PSP-Flagship programme by the National Research Fund to develop science-based educational programmes around circular design for teenagers (Äerdschëff Circular and Regenerative Science), and in 2021, we obtained a grant from Losch foundation to develop some our tech programmes and mentor more young people in practical sustainability skills. We continue to be supported by the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Ministry for Education.

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home mission top line
vent pulp pulp

The Äerdschëff is a pioneering third-space for learning about, researching and teaching circular economy and low tech solutions. 

We work with young volunteers who are part of our team for 3-12 months and who learn alongside us about low tech solutions and sustainability.
We develop and host visits for school and youth groups as well as workshops around our topics to deepen our participants' understanding of sustainability, regeneration and low tech.
We develop partnerships with schools and organisations to work on low tech solutions together.

mission bottom line
home-wood wood musique

The Äerdschëff is a healthy and comfortable, self-sufficient space and a pioneering centre for the Greater Region for human learning and flourishing in an environmentally respectful way.

The Äerdschëff, the first state-owned earthship-inspired buildings in the world, is a hub for social diversity and a showcase for future-proof low tech solutions. It is a space of sharing that awakens the desire of education in each one of our visitors, regardless of their age, their backgrounds and their place of origin. The mission of Äerdschëff is to build skills and create community.

As a third space, the Äerdschëff also opens space for the emerging future through exhibitions, cooperative games, creative weeks, workshops, courses and seminars, concerts, screenings for different publics.

This is a place destined to document, educate and research as well as to stimulate curiosity and creativity in order to develop and be able to share one’s own as well as collective skills and knowledge

aim line
aim img aim img

Develop the Äerdschëff building as a testing site for strong sustainability and low tech solutions.

Design and deliver innovative pedagogical content to secondary school students and other youth groups.

Design and deliver hands-on inspiring trainings to multipliers on sustainability and low tech.

Experiment with, research and develop low-tech solutions for sustainability issues.

Experiment with, research and develop collaborative solutions for twenty-first century governance.

Offer consulting to schools and organisations regarding low tech and sustainability. Develop national and international networks and projects with partners that share our values.

Open the circular and low tech Äerdschëff third space for local and regional groups that share our values.

Développer des réseaux et des projets nationaux et internationaux avec des partenaires qui partagent nos valeurs.

Ouvrir le tiers-lieu aux groupes locaux et régionaux qui partagent nos valeurs.

team person

Jérôme Leplang

Jérôme is a "Mecano Gardener" dedicated to indoor and outdoor gardens. A top-notch logistician, he fearlessly explores practical solutions to ensure the successful implementation of projects. Eager to expand his skills, he actively participates in various initiatives, infusing his passion for learning into every task.

Permagardening / Edible forest
Participatory work sites
team person

Tarik Bouriachi

Tarik is a sociologist ninja who, with a sharp sense of words and quick reflexes, analyzes the purposes and materiality of the necessary ecological and social resilience. He develops partnerships and loves introducing low-tech approaches and shared governance in unexpected places—such as artificial intelligence.

Design and implementation of projects and educational programs
Shared governance and software infrastructure lead
Administrative and financial manager
Non-formal education
team person

Monica Fernandes

Monica develops citizen projects and non-formal education initiatives. She facilitates co-design spaces with her favorite tools: kindness, shared governance, and the building of resilient communities.

Design and implementation of projects and educational programs
Administrative and financial support
Non-formal education
team image