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Enquêtes Low Tech

With our partner Low Tech Lab, we presented the results of low-tech surveys.

Since 2015, the Low-tech Lab has been documenting and disseminating low-tech through explorations and experiments: from Nomade des mers to Habitat low-tech, via the Low-tech Tour France and Low-tech for Refugees, more than 50 step-by-step low-tech tutorials are available on an open-source platform to give everyone access to this knowledge.

On an individual scale, this “do it yourself” approach is a response, but it has its limits in terms of accessibility and dissemination.

To support professionalisation and identify the issues involved in spreading low-tech low-tech more widely on a collective scale, the Low-tech Lab is setting out to meet the first professional players in low-tech: a series of field surveys of French initiatives that embody and spread a low-tech approach locally.

The aim of this series of meetings is to understand, document and share widely the socio-economic models, experiences and feedback, impact and convictions that drive them on a day-to-day basis, so that these inspiring organisations can feed the culture and soul of the low-tech movement, inspire and spread far and wide.

If you’d like to work on this exhibit with your students, contact us!
